Preparing for Surgery

In preparation for your outpatient surgery, our preoperative nurse will be contacting you with instructions for your surgery and answering any additional questions. Be sure to follow them carefully. Not following instructions may result in a delay or cancellation of your surgery. If you do not receive a phone call by 2:00PM EST the day before your procedure from the Upper Peninsula Surgery Center regarding your preoperative questions and start time, please call us at (906) 273-2223. 

New Patient

The following points are coming acquirements but should not be used to substitute your doctor ‘s instructions,

  • You may be required to stop drinking or eating after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • If you were told to take any medications the day of surgery take it with a small sip of water.
  • When brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth out with water but do not drink the water.
  • Shower the night before and the morning of surgery with antiseptic soap.
  • Do not use any perfume, cologne, deodorant or powder.
  • Remove all jewelry and keep valuables at home.
  • Wear comfortable, loose, clean clothing, including low-heeled comfortable shoes. Shirts or blouses with buttons in front are usually best. When you arrive, we will provide you with a surgical gown and non-slip socks to wear during your visit. Please make every effort to arrive on time for your appointment.
  • If you have long hair, consider braiding it or putting it in a ponytail. Don't put on makeup.
  • If you wear contact lenses or glasses, bring a case with you as you will not be permitted to wear your lenses into surgery.

We’re happy to accommodate any special needs you may have. Just let us know on the day of our preop telephone call.

Notify The Center & Your Surgeon If:

  • You have an elevated temperature, cough, cold, vomiting or diarrhea between your last visit to the surgeon and the day of your surgery.
  • You suspect you may be pregnant.
  • You are taking: diet pills, aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners, or certain herbal medicines. You may need to stop taking these 1-2 weeks before your surgery. You can discuss this with your surgeon.

Come the morning of your procedure with the following items to the Upper Peninsula Surgery Center:

  • Insurance cards, photo ID, Medicare or Medical Assistance information, phone number of the driver who will be picking you up, form of payment.
  • Medication Sheet of medication you are currently taking. This includes over the counter medications, patches, and creams.
  • CPAP Machine and/or inhalers (if applicable)
  • Driver: You must plan to have someone drive you home. Do not plan to use taxis or other public transportation.
  • Escort: A friend, relative or dedicated caregiver MUST stay with you for 24 hours.
  • Legal Guardian: A legal guardian must be in the center AT ALL TIMES for dependent adults.
  • Care For Children: If you have young children at home for whom you normally care for, plan for someone else to care for them for at least the first 24 hours following your surgery.
  • Interpreter: If the patient cannot read, speak English or use sign language, an interpreter is required. If you need assistance arranging for an interpreter, please contact the Scheduling department 406-248-7186 as soon as possible.


Family, Friend, or Guests

The surgical experience can cause anxiety for some. We are fully dedicated to making it as easy and peaceful as we can. You may have one person accompany you to the waiting area as you are being checked in. However, due to COVID, your guest cannot wait for you there once you are brought to our preoperative areas by our nurses. We will make sure they are informed about the progress of your surgery.

Your surgeon will let your family, friend, or guest know when would be an appropriate time to see you after the surgery. The doctor will also let you and your family know if it is necessary for someone to stay with you the first night post operatively, or if you are safe to be alone. When you are being prepared to be discharged, we will call your driver approximately 15 to 30 minutes before you are ready to go.

After the surgery is performed, your recovery begins. According to the type of surgery, it can vary. 

Frequently Asked Questions

To view our frequently asked questions, click here

Upper Peninsula Surgery Center